
Understanding People with Anxiety

By: Renee Rose Bertulfo

social anxiety


When you are walking in the streets do you feel like people are watching you? Do you feel uneasy being around many people? It is normal for people to worry about things such as finances, finding a job or social gatherings. But if worrying even about the simplest and tiniest of things that can interfere with daily life, it’s called an Anxiety disorder.

People suffering from anxiety disorder have feelings of uneasiness almost every day of their lives. People with this disorder overthink every single thing. Not only anxiety can destroy a person’s state of mind, it washes away all feelings until fear and worrying are the only ones left.


They could feel abandoned, alone and unloved, they feel they are not worth anything, feels that they always fail and did nothing good to anyone. Not only anxiety can ruin a person in the inside, it can affect a person physically as well.

According to NIH News in Health, anxiety can raise the risk of heart disease, diabetes, substance abuse, and depression. Most anxiety problems in adults or teenagers started during their childhood years.

According to Susan Whitfield-Gabrieli, about half of diagnosable mental health issues begin by age 14, so there’s a great deal of enthusiasm for revealing the elements that may impact the cerebrum by those early high schooler years. There are various kinds of treatments available for people with anxiety disorders such as tenorpyschotherapy or talk therapy, medications, or a mixed of both treatments.

People with anxiety don’t go walking around telling people that they have one. So if we see or know people who are always anxious and worries about little things don’t mock or laugh at them. Instead let them know that things will be alright, let them feel that they are not alone and that they have a person they can rely on.


NIH News in Health.(2016). Understanding Anxiety Disorder. Retrieved June 3, 2017 from
